The route was fairly easy and flat. We even ran by the water some and that was so pretty! The weather was great! It was hot but there was a nice breeze that kept blowing and kept it cool. Running against that wind however slowed me down a little! I ended up with a finish time of 32:15! Not too shabby!
The after party was awesome! There was jambalaya, fruit, muffins, chips, 4th of July cake...and lots more! I have never seen so much food at a race! They had music and dancing too! It was fun! And the race packet was great too...I got a nice tote bag filled with fireworks, my tank t-shirt, coupons, etc. I will DEFINITELY be running this race again next year!
WARNING: Lots of pics below..because I had photographers there! Thanks Mom and Amy for taking pics!
Me and LeAnn on our way to pick up our race packet...had to add some goofiness in there!

LeAnn, Eva, Me, and Paige in front of the fire truck before the race!

Before the race! Some of the Sole2Soul Sisters! Paige, Me, Leslie, Angie, LeAnn, Kim, and Eva (missing Susanne in this pic...she was getting her race packet)!

Me posing in front of the Running Wild bus!

Lots of runners!

This race wouldn't be complete without singing "The National Anthem!"

And the race begins!!!

Running to the finish line!!!

All of us...minus Angie this time!


My new friend Leah! This was our first time to meet! She found me by reading this blog! I LOVE all the new friends I have made through running!