I had a super great Christmas! My hubby's family came Christmas Eve day and stayed at our house until the day after Christmas! We had a blast! We baked LOTS of sugar cookies, decorated a gingerbread train, played my son's new Wii dance game, watched movies, and ate and Ate and ATe and ATE!!! It was so special just spending all that time together celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior! And...my Christmas presents were pretty awesome! Most of what I asked for was running related lol! Except for the iPad that my hubby gave me! So excited about that! My in-laws gave me some super warm Nike running gloves, super comfy slippers for my always cold feet, and a medal hangar for my race medals!!! I also got several new running shirts! Yep...I took pictures lol!
New running gloves!! Love them!!

New running shirts!!!

My Race Bling!!!

I'm so very blessed!