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Monday, May 4, 2015

The Weekly Chase #121!

I hope everyone had a good weekend! I sure did! It started Friday afternoon when I met my friend Jenny and her daughter Lily at Starbucks for afternoon coffee! Bonus...the frappucinos are half price May 1-10 from 3-5 PM! Score! Jenny also gave me our race packets for the next morning. It was so sweet of her to pick up everyone's for them!

After coffee I headed to Donna's house to meet Donna, Paige, and Susanne. We had our pre-race dinner of pizza (of course) and then we had a spa night! We did our toes and had great girl time!

Saturday morning it was time to run the Fiesta 10K! I'll have a recap up for you on Wednesday!

After the race we went to Pensacola Beach! It was a fun girls day!

Sunday was a lazy day around the house. I needed the down time after such a busy start to the weekend.

Now it's time for the Weekly Chase! It's a new week and I have new goals to achieve! I hope you will link up your own goals with me too! And feel free to use the badge below in your post too! You can grab the badge HERE! :-)

Road Runner Girl

Here are my goals from last week!

  • Goal #1: Run every day! Yes! The streak is still going strong! I'm almost to my year long goal!
  • Goal #2: Roll, stretch, and ice daily. Yes! The hip is feeling much better. I can still feel a little bit of soreness in it but it is so much better than it was. 
  • Goal #3: Maintain my weight by logging my calories. I've done pretty well this week. There are a few days I missed logging my dinner. But I knew I had enough calories for what I ate based on the rest of the day. 
  • Goal #4: Finish t-shirts for preschool graduation. Yes! Whew! These are done! Graduation is Thursday night!!!
  • Goal #5: Take one more professional development class. Yes! All done! Yay!
  • Goal #6: Start working on preschool memory books. No. :-( I DID get all my pictures printed this past week. But I haven't starting putting everything together. That's on the agenda for this week for sure!

Here are my goals to work on this week!

Goal #1: Run every day! There's no stopping me now! I'm so close to a year!

Goal #2: Roll, stretch, and ice daily. So important to keeping my body healthy as a streaker and runner in general. 

Goal #3: Maintain my weight by logging my calories. I plan to log EVERY meal this week. :-)

Goal #4: Start working on preschool memory books. I'm feeling very overwhelmed by this task. I know they will be awesome when I get them done. 

The end of the school year is a super busy time for me. So I'm not focusing on too much this week. My main goal is to get those memory books mostly complete. Please understand if I don't get as many blog posts up this week. Summer is almost here and I'll be back on schedule I promise!

I hope you all have a great week reaching your goals!

QOTD: What goals are you working toward this week?



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