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Friday, October 16, 2015

Fitness Friday...October 16th Edition!

So...guess what??? I'm running a half marathon on Sunday!!!! I can't believe race weekend is here! I'm super excited...can you tell???

This will be my 5th time running this race! I had to look back at last year's pictures (where I ran my first sub 2 half marathon) and the year before. What a difference hard work can make! I've lost weight, gotten healthier, and gotten a whole lot faster with my running! Shows that with hard work and determination you can do ANYTHING!

My goal for this weekend is to come in under 2 hours. If I PR...that would be awesome! But if not, that's ok too. I'm running with Jenny (who's been dealing with an injury) so we are going to try our best to run where she doesn't injure herself worse. Don't worry...she's been going to Dr. Justin and he's given her the ok to race. If a PR happens then that is great...but otherwise our plan is to have fun! I'm looking forward to the race and a girls weekend!!!

This week went by pretty fast! Monday we were off of school. I had fun being with my boys (it made me miss summer). I slept in that day and ran a 5K PR!!! Then later that afternoon we went to Starbucks with my friend Kirstin and her husband Jim and daughter Maddy.

Then we went for a walk down by the bay. And we got to see this guy kite surfing! It was really awesome!

Tuesday it was back to reality for me and the boys! Tuesday afternoon Hayden had art class and came home with this masterpiece!!!

Wednesday was field trip day with my preschoolers! We went to a local farmers market and talked about fruits, vegetables, and picked out a class pumpkin! It was fun! After school one of my co-workers asked if I wanted to go to Starbucks! Um...of course I do! Preschool teachers who went on a field trip with 4-5 year olds need coffee!!!

Thursday afternoon I added another fall decoration in our house! I found this super cute Mickey! I just had to have him!!!

Now it's time for Fitness Friday! I had some great runs this week! I PRed my 5K time! I also had a great last long run! The last part of the week I took it easy so my legs would be fresh for Sunday.

  • Friday- #plankaday 2:15, 1.72 mile run in 14:05 average pace 8:11

  • Sunday- 2.55 mile run in 21:04 average pace 8:16
  • Monday- #plankaday 2:05, 3.11 mile run in 25:12 average pace 8:06

  • Tuesday- #plankaday 2:05, 1.78 mile run in 14:40 average pace 8:14

  • Wednesday- #plankaday 2:10, 1.78 mile run in 14:52 average pace 8:21

  • Thursday- #plankaday 2:15, 2.31 mile run in 19:20 average pace 8:22

Like I said above, my runs went great this week! But guess what today is??? Today is day 500 of my run streak!!!! I cannot believe I've been running for 500 days straight! I never knew I would make it this far! I wanted to run 5 miles this morning but since it's a work and school day I just didn't have time. I'm going to celebrate this weekend by running a half marathon instead!!! ;-)

I hope you all have a great weekend!!! Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see all my race weekend pictures!!!

QOTD: What was your best run or workout this week?



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