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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Weekly Chase #2!

Here we go....the Weekly Chase time!!! I am so excited about the new Weekly Chase! I LOVED reading all your posts and goals last week! If you haven't already please join us!!!

Road Runner Girl

January Challenge- Make Yourself a Priority!

Here is my recap of last week's goals!

  • Goal #1: Call and make my doctor's appointment (challenge goal). Check! I did this and got my appointment scheduled! Yay!
  • Goal #2: Read a book at least 15 minutes each day (challenge goal). I read some this past week but didn't make my goal of at least 15 minutes each day. Gonna try this one again this week.
  • Goal #3: Run at least 3 times this week. Yep yep!!! Total success!!!! As I wrote in my Fitness Friday post, I was able to get in my 3 runs and it felt GREAT!!!  

So here goes this week!!! 

Goal #1: Read a book at least 15 minutes each day (challenge goal). Yeah I am retrying this one. Only exception...I won't read on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday because I will be in Disney World!!!!! :-)

Goal #2: Get my costume finished for the Disney Marathon on Sunday (challenge goal)!!! I have the costume planned out but need to get it all finished. My awesome mother-in-law is helping me with this...because I can't sew!

Goal #3: Hydrate and fuel for the marathon. I need to focus on drinking lots of water and carbing up this week for the marathon. Did I mention I'm running in Disney World on Sunday??? ;-)

Goal #4: Taper time. I plan on getting in at least 1 maybe 2 runs this week. I'm not going to push it because I need fresh and strong legs for the race. It's hard to pull back on runs when I just started getting back into my routine

Goal #5: Pack for the marathon by Thursday. I hate packing! But I also don't want to wait until the last minute and therefore end up forgetting something important like my running shoes!

So that's the plan for this week! 

I am going to be selfish for a minute and ask for prayers. Hayden started getting sick on Sunday and I took him to the doctor yesterday and he has strep throat (again). He's on antibiotics but my worry is that I will get it before the marathon. Please, please pray that I stay healthy so I can run strong on Sunday! Thanks so much!!!

Now it's your turn! Write your post and go link up with the rest of us on Molly's blog! :-)

QOTD: What are some things you do the week before a big race to help keep yourself healthy?



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